Advanced Armadas
Concept: Advanced Armadas presents new enemy types for challenging pirates who have gained substantial experience through their time in the Dark Caribbean. Each enemy type provides options for NPCs and ship types, including the Fungal Fleet, the Shadow Fleet and a cocktail recipe.
Content: This product is intended for use in a more advanced game of Pirate Borg where your crew may have several Class abilities and a Ship which has seen some upgrades. It is intended to add some challenging new foes for them to face. It includes options for two new Fleet types and the NPCs which will crew them, it also allows for integrating them into your Setting as a permanent Faction addition should you wish. It also includes a Cocktail Recipe for the discerning Harbourmaster.
Writing: Very matter of fact writing throughout. Attention is given to the mechanics of the Supplement more so than flavour or world building.
Art/design: Some truly beautiful artwork is used to great effect throughout this offering and is beautifully blended in to the whole in order to retain its ease of use as a rules supplement.
Usability: If you have a Crew of Pirates who have roamed The Dark Caribbean for several voyages and faced many of the foes it has to offer, this Supplement is for you to renew the sense of challenge for your group. This book, as is, is not for new Pirates to get involved in without some tweaking on behalf of the Harbourmaster.
Product Link: Itch.io Page
Content: This product is intended for use in a more advanced game of Pirate Borg where your crew may have several Class abilities and a Ship which has seen some upgrades. It is intended to add some challenging new foes for them to face. It includes options for two new Fleet types and the NPCs which will crew them, it also allows for integrating them into your Setting as a permanent Faction addition should you wish. It also includes a Cocktail Recipe for the discerning Harbourmaster.
Writing: Very matter of fact writing throughout. Attention is given to the mechanics of the Supplement more so than flavour or world building.
Art/design: Some truly beautiful artwork is used to great effect throughout this offering and is beautifully blended in to the whole in order to retain its ease of use as a rules supplement.
Usability: If you have a Crew of Pirates who have roamed The Dark Caribbean for several voyages and faced many of the foes it has to offer, this Supplement is for you to renew the sense of challenge for your group. This book, as is, is not for new Pirates to get involved in without some tweaking on behalf of the Harbourmaster.
Product Link: Itch.io Page