Cabin Fever Entry

This Product was an Entrant in the Cabin Fever Game Jam 2024

A Fetid Wind Blows

Concept: The player crew are lost in the doldrums and running low on food and fresh water. Until a sea hag named 'Ole Meg makes an offer the crew can't pass up. 'Ole Meg offers salvation and the potential for more in exchange for obtaining an ancient artifact. The crew arrive at an island off the coast of the Yucatan populated by a devout indigenous people. The tribe does not welcome visitors and the crew will need to carefully approach the temple or risk being sacrificed to the tribe’s gods.

Content: Several interesting locales, adventure hooks and entertaining maps.

Writing: An amazing amount of effort has been put in to this project and the writing does it full justice in every aspect.

Art/design: Some minor gripes about the artwork and layout but they do not make the product any less useful. Maps are excellent and other content is highly useful.

Usability: This is an excellent waypoint adventure for a Crew that is in transit from one major game location to another. Likely to run at maybe 2 Sessions at most this adventure would be a fun way mix things up for your group.

Product Link: Page

Accursed Deck Scum

Concept: Accursed Deck Scum features four new, cursed classes for Pirate Borg.


The oracular Abyssal Lookout, who can't help but gaze into the Abyss...
The Living Figurehead, a poor victim whose suffering magically benefits the ship when lashed to the prow. Part of the ship, part of the crew, indeed...
The Penitent Fowler—the moron that shot the albatross! Inspired by Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
...and the Werebeast, cursed to rampage on nights of the full moon.

Writing: Well written throughout and easily understood. Excellent thought has been given to each Class and it's accompanying Abilities.

Art/design: Impressive use of Artwork to represent each Class is well placed with clear fonts and colour choices to accentuate the whole.

Usability:  If your Players are yearning for more Classes to sink their teeth in to then this offering is worth the time to digest and see if it might fit your current Campaign. Every Class is unique and carries its own merits.

Product Link: Page

Admiral Nellson & the Two Fritzes

Concept: Here are 3 new NPCs compatible with the old-school style RPG Pirate Borg:

  1. Admiral Moll Nellson is one part naval mastermind, one part monster ... like a mashup of Horatio Nelson and the Bride of Frankenstein. Her life was saved by occult science, and now she's out for blood.
  2. Doctor Henry Fritz is the mad scientist who saved Nellson's life by turning her into a monster. He's got tricks up his sleeve your PCs will never see coming.
  3. Fritz Jr.  The doctor's beloved pet is deeply loyal to its friends and deceptively dangerous to its enemies. Your gaming group will either love him or love to hate him.
This 4-page download for GMs contains:
  • The stats you need for running encounters with Admiral Nellson, Dr. Fritz, and Fritz Jr.
  • Character motivations you can easily adapt into adventure hooks .
  • Role-playing tips for the characters, plus a brief weird-fiction origin story for Admiral Nellson.
  • Monster abilities & weapons inspired by Pirate Borg and classic Universal Monster movies.
  • A new relic, Nellson's dreaded Daedalus Amulet

Writing: This is a beautifully written piece, wonderful detail throughout!
Art/design: Layout on this piece of gorgeous, artwork is excellent, Colour and Fonts are superbly used.

Usability: Something every Harbourmaster can use more of is ready to go NPCs that are fully realized.

Product Link: Page

Advanced Armadas

Concept: Advanced Armadas presents new enemy types for challenging pirates who have gained substantial experience through their time in the Dark Caribbean. Each enemy type provides options for NPCs and ship types, including the Fungal Fleet, the Shadow Fleet and a cocktail recipe.

Content: This product is intended for use in a more advanced game of Pirate Borg where your crew may have several Class abilities and a Ship which has seen some upgrades. It is intended to add some challenging new foes for them to face. It includes options for two new Fleet types and the NPCs which will crew them, it also allows for integrating them into your Setting as a permanent Faction addition should you wish. It also includes a Cocktail Recipe for the discerning Harbourmaster.

Writing: Very matter of fact writing throughout. Attention is given to the mechanics of the Supplement more so than flavour or world building.

Art/design: Some truly beautiful artwork is used to great effect throughout this offering and is beautifully blended in to the whole in order to retain its ease of use as a rules supplement.

Usability: If you have a Crew of Pirates who have roamed The Dark Caribbean for several voyages and faced many of the foes it has to offer, this Supplement is for you to renew the sense of challenge for your group. This book, as is, is not for new Pirates to get involved in without some tweaking on behalf of the Harbourmaster.

Product Link: Page

Aleister and Artemis Wolf

Concept: Two NPCs and their Vessel for use with Pirate Borg

Content: This entry presents two? NPCs and the Vessel they command along with some roleplaying and motivation points for all of them.
Writing: Interestingly well written for an entry that provides two new NPCs. Not just Stat Blocks but also Rollable Tables for their Motivations and reactions with Players. Certainly more depth than is commonly presented in an NPC Entry.

Art/design: Artwork is well used throughout and the placement/use of Background imagery does well to compliment the content. Easy to read and make use of.

Usability: Beyond the norm for an NPC Entry this product also can act as something of an adventure hook in the same instance. If your Players have need of a temporary interlude between sessions this can certainly stand in for that, or as inspiration for you to flesh it out even further and make it your own.

Product Link: Page


Concept: A Generator & Random Tables
Content: One random Disease Generator Table and Three Random tables to inject a little weird into the depths of your own Dark Caribbean
Writing: Ambergris brings with it a definite feel of the dark places that can be found in The Dark Caribbean but it does so in a wonderfully well written manner so as not to make the content too esoteric or out of reach for the Harbourmaster.
Art/design: Artwork in Ambergrist sets the tone of the supplement perfectly at every step and the layout is exceptionally well done.
Usability: Definitely useful for anyone who wants to add some more random fun to their game while also keeping a Dark Caribbean 'vibe'. Not to mention the potential for game Hooks abounds on many of the tables. 

Product Link: Page


Concept: You are the Captain of the Devil's ship, ANNIHILATION. You can not die while aboard this vessel, your crew are lesser demons whom you command, the ship's tattered sails of flesh are not affected by the wind - traveling at Full Sail in any direction. The catch - Every SIX days this ship must FEED on a living ship (a ship with living souls on board). If you do not feed this monster, the demon crew will mutiny and drag your soul down to HELL where you will serve the Devil.....

Content: A truly wild ride aboard the Annihilation is presented herein with tables to roll on for all manner of strangeness, Contracts to be signed, consequences to be had and horrific crew to be created.

Writing: Unfortunately there are some obvious spelling issues littered throughout this product and while they do not alter the value of the content they are present nonetheless.

Art/design: Outrageous in the extreme and while it does great work to represent the supplement it makes a great deal of the content very hard to make sense of and leaves much of it less useful as a result.

Usability: If you want a horrifying interlude for your Crew this Supplement may be of use to you.. rules as written however, it is something of a one way trip as this Ship is more of a curse than anything else.

Product Link: Page

Archetype Captain: Uskok

Concept: A Croatian inspired Captain and Crew for Pirate Borg.
Content: Single page of Rules for using a new style of foe on both sea and land.
Writing: Simply written with a few notes to inform your use of this new Captain and his Crew.

Art/design: Layout and Art Design are excellent in this product.

Usability: If you have longed for a new variety of foes for your Pirates then this Product is something to consider. Includes Stat Blocks for a Captain and several of his crew.

Product Link: Page

Archipelago Generator

Concept: A Dice Drop Generator to build your own Archipelago Map.
Content: Tables, Instructions and Examples on how to make a Dice Drop Archipelago and populate it.

Writing: Writing is simple, if not perfect, and fairly straightforward to understand.

Art/design: Font and Colours are simple and fairly unremarkable, layout is easy to navigate if somewhat underwhelming. It does not detract from the usefulness of the product.

Usability: If you are a fan of Dice Drop Generators and want to let a little bit of random fun in to your Game then this is definitely worth picking up. Even merely as a thought exercise to guide your own efforts.

Product Link: Page

ASH Addiction

Concept: Rules for ASH Addiction in The Dark Caribbean
Content: Simple tables for dealing with ASH Addiction.

Writing: Very basic writing

Art/design: Unfortunately the layout of this Product leaves much to be desired, the background image is very cluttered and the Fonts do nothing to help that nor do the Colour choices which make it entirely difficult to read.

Usability: Of all the Entries I have placed, this is my first time decidedly not recommending something. With some corrections this Product might be somewhat usable but in its current state I cannot recommend it.

Product Link: Page

Back to the Ship!

Concept: An 'In Media Res' One Shot.
Content: Fully mapped out and keyed Island complete with Rollable tables for Encounters and adventure Hooks/Prompts for your Crew.
Writing: This adventure is quite well written and contains everything you need to stage a desperate flight from the heart of an island down to the beach.

Art/design: Two tone art and design layouts really serve to accentuate this adventure and make it easy to use. Tables are cleanly done and usable.

Usability: Very useful as the beginning to a new Crew, or for a fun interlude game between campaign points for an existing crew. it contains enough to keep you busy for easily an entire session and with just a little work could make for a very useful base to insert into an existing Campaign. 

Product Link: Page

Band O' Misfits

Concept: Three new Classes for Pirate Borg
Content: Three new Classes to add to your adventures in The Dark Caribbean. The Mess, The Barnacle, and The Sulphur

Writing: Some typos slipped through the editing on this supplement and the grammar is a touch off in places.  Thematically however, definite Pirate Borg 'feel'.

Art/design: Clever layouts and solid art choices abound in this supplement save for the first entry, the worn canvas background is a bit too prominent where it needs to get out of the way to make the Text easier to discern.

Usability: These are off the beaten path styles of Classes for those who want something a little less pointed in their Pirate. Definitely well detailed enough to get you an interesting Character to set sail with!

Product Link: Page

Barrels of Ash

Concept: A trail of Barrels leads the Crew to a ship enshrouded by vines which anchor it to the sea floor.
Content: An adventure aboard a vine choked vessel and a mystery to solves. A fully keyed map of the vessel complete with encounter locations and a deck diagram as well as all relevant NPCs.

Writing: A very engaging adventure to be had and well written in a lovely column format.

Art/design: Artwork and layout are excellent in Barrels of Ash, lovely colour and font choices really come together to compliment the whole.

Usability: An excellent option for an At Sea adventure to relieve some of the doldrums of ocean travel. What Pirate will turn down Barrels of Ash?

Product Link: Page

Bitter Blackleg

Concept: A new Class for Pirate Borg

Content: One Page Spread of a new Class called the Bitter Blackleg

Writing: Quite brief, leaving the development of the Character entirely to the Player, Class Abilities are all well thought out and work well with the core concept.

Art/design: Limited artwork but very well laid out and designed to make it quite easy to use.

Usability: Likely a good addition to the Class Roster for anyone who wants to play something of a scoundrel style of pirate. 

Product Link: Page

Blood and Ash

Concept: Welcome to Slaughter Island! The (hopefully) eternal prison of Hybocaedes, the Slaughter King.
Within these blood stained pages you will find:
  • An island location with plenty to keep your players, but plenty of room for you to expand it. Some questions are left unanswered by design.
  • New monsters and NPCs, stats for all
  • Ashen Pearls: a powerful new type of relic to kill each other over
  • The Pit: a modular fighting arena to keep things fresh
Writing: Exceptional writing throughout, very evocative entries to help a Harbourmaster bring the gruesome island to life.

Art/design: Ample use of Art throughout, be it Character, Maps or just atmospheric. Layout is clean and tightly done, with the Font and Colour selections being highly complimentary.

Usability: This is an extended adventure for your Crew and likely to challenge them severely should they be lower levelled.

Product Link: Page
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