Creatures of the Dark Yucatan/Beasts of Sea and Shoal
Concept: A Bestiary of new creatures for use with Pirate Borg.
Content: Contains ten new beasts to plague your Pirates should they venture in to the Dark Yucatan though they would be easily adapted for use elsewhere by a clever Harbourmaster.
Writing: Straightforward and to the point, efficient descriptions and stat blocks detail each creatures abilities and likely attacks/behaviours.
Art/design: Intriguing artwork, minimally coloured to draw attention to the eerie horror that many of these creatures represent. Well laid out and cleanly presented.
Usability: Any Harbourmaster on the lookout for new and interesting beasties to put in the path of their Pirates will enjoy this supplement.
Product Link: Itch.io Page
Content: Contains ten new beasts to plague your Pirates should they venture in to the Dark Yucatan though they would be easily adapted for use elsewhere by a clever Harbourmaster.
Writing: Straightforward and to the point, efficient descriptions and stat blocks detail each creatures abilities and likely attacks/behaviours.
Art/design: Intriguing artwork, minimally coloured to draw attention to the eerie horror that many of these creatures represent. Well laid out and cleanly presented.
Usability: Any Harbourmaster on the lookout for new and interesting beasties to put in the path of their Pirates will enjoy this supplement.
Product Link: Itch.io Page