Ponce de Leon & The Fountain of Youth

Concept: Maps have been found that contain mention of the legendary Fountain of Youth, will you find it? or be added to the legend of its mystery?
Content: Coming in at a robust 42 pages, this adventure contains everything you will need to bring your Players on a quest to locate the Fountain of Youth. Contains 9 Maps, 8+ new NPCs, 20+ new Creatures to challenge your pyrates and the details you will need to bring it to life. 
Writing: As is expected from Galactic Funk Creations, this Adventure is laid out in an easy to read format for any Harbourmaster, the story is presented in a manner that allows for ease of use and eschews the use of excessive text in an effort to get to the 'meat' of the gameplay. Storywise it is an engaging adventure for any group of pyrates and will provide many Sessions of play for an invested group. This is the Second offering in the Series of Treasure Map releases with Legend of Starfall Isle being the first in the Series.
Art/design: Galactic Funk Creations has a unique style that borrows the harsh yellows of Mork Borg. If there was any criticism to offer it would be with regards to Page Layout. In an effort to provide a clean and tidy look that is easy to read there have been concessions to Pages overlapping when it comes to Charts such as the Easy & Hard Monster Tables that are included. There are some clear influences of other rulesets that have been woven in to the adventure but they are hardly obtrusive. 
Usability: This adventure is an investment for your Group that is certain. There is more than enough content here to keep a Group busy for several Sessions of gameplay and makes an excellent moving on point for a crew that has a few levels under their belts. It would be very easy to 'seed' the Player handout maps in to an existing Campaign as a current Adventure is concluding in order to seamlessly bring Ponce de Leon & The Fountain of Youth in to the forefront. All in all a worthy Supplement for any Pirate Borg table. 
Format: Watermarked PDF $4.99
Product Link: Ponce de Leon & The Fountain of Youth: Treasure Map Series #2