Rough Seas
Concept: This supplement for Pirate Borg contains several random tables and one small island-crawl for you to insert into your pirate adventures.
Content: Packed with Rollable Tables for Encounters at Sea, On Land, augmented tables for Loot the Body and more!, NPCs, an Adventure Location and a Hex Crawl Map.
Writing: This product is jam packed with content and all of it is expertly presented to be of maximum use.
Art/design: Special attention has been given to selection of complimentary colours and styles with minimal artwork present allowing for some very Pirate Borg layout choices.
Usability: Rough Seas is a veritable treasure for any Harbourmaster. Tables for every occasion and they are all well conceived to boot. Certainly worth the addition to your Harbourmaster collection!
Product Link: Page
Content: Packed with Rollable Tables for Encounters at Sea, On Land, augmented tables for Loot the Body and more!, NPCs, an Adventure Location and a Hex Crawl Map.
Writing: This product is jam packed with content and all of it is expertly presented to be of maximum use.
Art/design: Special attention has been given to selection of complimentary colours and styles with minimal artwork present allowing for some very Pirate Borg layout choices.
Usability: Rough Seas is a veritable treasure for any Harbourmaster. Tables for every occasion and they are all well conceived to boot. Certainly worth the addition to your Harbourmaster collection!
Product Link: Page