
Concept: Four brand new Classes for use in Pirate Borg


  • The Angler, a former fisherman turned pirate. Unlike their rowdy compatriots, they have the patience and skill to successfully reel up fish from the inky depths in which they dwell.
  • The Coagulant, a horrific nightmare altered by alchemy gone wrong. To survive, they must fuse their body with that of another, subsuming flesh and bone into themselves to once again become whole.
  • The Reaper, heavily inspired by DEADBOLT from Hopoo Games, the other game with a drug called ash that comes from the corpses of undead. They are skilled assassins and hunters of the damned.
  • The Shipwright, an on-board mechanic to keep boats going through constant wear-and-tear. Their specialized skills let them both repair and modify ships with everything from hull-smashing cannons to wheels.
Writing: As one might expect the writing of these Classes is excellent, so much so that this product one the Cabin Fever Game Jam award for Best PC Class.

Art/design: Simply incredibly thematic choices for both art and layout were made in the crafting of this remarkable supplement. It is pleasing to the eye, exceedingly mindful of the setting and a joy to read.

Usability: Any or all of these Classes could be seamlessly added to any Pirate Borg game without worry about Rules Balance which is something often on the mind of any Harbourmaser. 

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