West of Ys

Concept: Four new Classes for Pirate Borg

Content: Four esoteric Classes to add to your next Pirate Borg Game.
Dzitzimidl - A vampire lord from a sunken Aztec city who commands the dead
Carcinante - Mutant crab-folk who have drunk from the waters of everlasting life
Priest(ess) - Holy warriors and spirit mediums of the West Indies
Robo - Portuguese robots piloted by the ghosts of dead sailors

Writing: Written in the style of a Comic Book this these Classes are well realized and presented in a fashion that is simple to use.

Art/design: Comic Book style Artwork lends a little whimsy to this supplement even if the Classes themselves carry more serious weight.

Usability: If you want to add something a little more off the beaten path to your own Dark Caribbean then this product may be what you are looking for. 

Product Link: Itch.io Page