
The Cataclysm Coast is Burning

Concept: The Legion Of The Blackened Sun have taken Hellskull island. They have sealed the sun under Mt Apocalypse and razed the ancient cities. Their pirate fleets raid alliance ships by the screaming cliffs, their snake cult armies have occupied elvish ruins from before time began, and the Apolutrosis Horde threaten to drown the world in ichor and salt water.
 Content: The Cataclysm Coast is Burning is a 20 Page Adventure Locale, fully Illustrated and providing a new region for your Pirate Borg enjoyment.
 Writing: TCCB boasts an excellent and highly evocative new Region for your Crew to explore and is fully compatible with the Borg Ruleset. Written by  Nem, If you want to deliver an intense setting filled with wild imagery then this Supplement is definitely something you can make use of in the Dark Caribbean.
Art/design: Boasting colour and art design reminiscent of the Original Mork Borg but now with a decidedly Piratical twist every piece of artwork in this product will inspire both Harbourmaster and Player alike. 
 Usability: The Cataclysm Coast is Burning fits very well in the latter stages of the Pirate Borg timeline as the end draws ever nearer and your Pirate Crews are beset by the horrors of the Dark Caribbean on all sides.
Format: PDF 20 Pages ($7.99)
Publisher: Sandy Pug Games
Product Link: The Cataclysm Coast is Burning

The Crypt of Black Coral Cove

Concept: In a forgotten corner of the Caribbean, concealed from prying eyes, a crypt steeped in darkness and mystery awaits. Looking over Coral Town this ancient burial site holds secrets untold and promises riches beyond imagination with tales of opulence and wealth amassed by long-dead kings, conquerors, and nobles have spread like wildfire, enticing the hearts of cunning adventurers and opportunistic souls from distant lands.
Whispers of the crypt's existence reach the ears of those yearning for fortune, pulling them towards its hidden location. Legends speak of intricate catacombs adorned with masterful carvings, guarded by cunning traps and creatures that once served as protectors. The depths of the crypt pulsate with the remnants of past glory, treasures waiting to be claimed by those audacious enough to brave its depths.
Nestled atop a hill, behind the crumbling ruins of an ancient church, the crypt's allure is irresistible. Concealed amidst a tangle of overgrown foliage, its entrance stands as a testament to the forgotten era it represents. Eager and aspiring opportunists heed the call, driven by their insatiable thirst for riches and the thrill of unraveling the crypt's enigmatic secrets.

Content: The Crypt of Black Coral Cove is a dungeon crawl intended for the starting island of Pirate Borg Black Coral Cove, but is easily inserted any place where the dead are interred. Heavily inspired by dungeons of yesteryear and The Alexandrians “Jaquaying the Dungeon”, this dungeon comes stocked with winding looping and branching corridors, hidden traps, wandering monsters, and of course Treasure!  Can your players make it through the winding passages and claim the prizes within or will the Evil Dead claim another wretched soul?

Watermarked PDF $5.00

Publisher: Galactic Funk Creations

Link: The Crypt of Black Coral Cove

The Treasure of Cutlass Cay

Concept:  Embark on a thrilling voyage to Cutlass Cay, sailing aboard the Rusty Kraken! Prepare to uncover the long-lost treasure hidden amidst the mysteries of the island.

Content: Get ready to dive headfirst into the heart of the Pirate Borg system, where epic adventures await at every turn! Brace yourself for an escapade that's bound to leave you craving even more daring quests on the horizon! Arrr, matey! 

Publisher: Steven Gibbs

PDF $3.00 - Pay what you want

Link: The Treasure of Cutlass Cay

The Wedding Ship

Concept: This adventure takes your crew on a journey of ambition and plunder, you've caught wind of a Wedding Ship, packed with young folk and destined for Jamestowne in an effort to bolster the failing Colony there, the ship is packed with new Settlers and the wealth that they carry to make a new life for themselves... or the life that a clever Pirate can guide them to.. for a Fee of course. You need a Captain and a Ship to set your plan in motion!

Content: Clocking in at 38 Pages in length this Adventure contains 5 Pre-Generated Characters and an extensive array of Adventure locales with a wealth of advice for the Harbourmaster to aid in their representation of the subject matter.

Writing: The Wedding Ship is quite well written and is very definitely intended for a Mature group of Players as some of the subject matter touches on more adult themes. It is quite reminiscent of old school adventures with sets of "Read this aloud to the Players" and contains several Choose your Path points which may make for a decent amount of replay value.

Art/design: Interior Artwork covers a wide array of Styles and Sources and is certainly in the same spirit as other 'Borg' works. If there was any one comment to be made about the Design it would bet that some of the Font choices can be a struggle to read easily on the first pass. That aside, it was a joy to flip through this Adventure as every other aspect of it is quite cleanly done.
 Usability: Despite the presence of several Choose your Path points this Adventure does ask that the Players 'Buy In' to the Events being described which is a refreshing thing to see as The Wedding Ship is a tale worth following to its conclusion. It very cleverly skirts the idea of being On Rails by presenting a clear Path to the Players through extensive exposition. If you have a Group that is keen to invest in an Adventure that eschews the Sandbox then The Wedding Ship is for you.

Format: PDF DriveThru RPG 38 Pages $9.99

Product Link: The Wedding Ship
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